You are Everything!
sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010
sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010
Not always good..
Bem há dias para esquecer, e quando sabemos que algo não está bem com quem mais amamos é um sinal que também o nosso dia não está a correr de feição.
Não gosto de não conseguir conceder sorrisos e boa disposição à minha Pintainha. Ela está a precisar de mim e não posso neste momento estar a seu lado, embora seja por pouco tempo queria dar-lhe um forte abraço e sossegar-lhe o espírito e o corpo.
Sei que as coisas não podem estar sempre mal, e também não é uma atitude negativa que ajuda nestas situações mas um pouco de compensação por tanta dedicação e empenhamento era bom de ver... O crédito já vai alto e espero que o destino tenha as contas em dia para compensar quem de direito.
Always with you in my mind
quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010
O livro sem nome!
Bem é verdade que voltei a escrever o meu adorado livro.
Não é nenhum best seller material fiquem descansados que não vou destronar os mestres da arte da escrita mas é facto sabido por quem me conhece minimamente que adoro escrever e a história que estou a inventar deu-me água pela barba à uns anos atrás, e após ter relido novamente estou apto a completar os restantes capítulos que faltam.
Sei que é custoso uma vez que não tenho o tempo nem a atmosfera ideal para o fazer porque o dia está bastante preenchido com outros deveres e obrigações... mas eu já sabia disso quando peguei novamente no livro, e por isso é que contrariando tudo e todos vou apostar em força nele e tentar escrever 1 ou 2 páginas por dia (vai... tu sabes que tens ultrapassado outras barreiras do passado, esta será apenas mais uma que fará de ti alguém melhor que ontem).
quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010
Round and round...
So here i am after a while (crocodile) to write about something of my interest that i wish to share with everyone.
Life is very weird, and we never know what will occur until it actually happens. Until now i haven't said anything pretty smart or that isn't rather obvious. However life might be changing for me and for the ones that i hold most dear, and it might be a good chance to be in a very good position in the future.
Guess that i won't have anything concrete for now but in a couple of days there can be good things happening that will allow me to be a lot better.
So keep your fingers crossed for me :)
quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010
Damn Girl! Quem diria...
A mais bela combinação a nível de consolas + videojogos desde a invenção da batata frita!!!
And i own it all to you my beautiful love!!!
Não posso não ficar derretido e simplesmente sentir-me um menino novamente a pular de alegria por ter prendas pelas quais não teria dinheiro para as comprar, sabendo o quanto custou arrecadar os requisitos para comprar algo deste gabarito!
Será melhor olhares para a minha cara e perceberes o quão importante foi aquilo que fizeste por mim!
You are responsable for my happiness!
sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010
Balance... This is a really remarkable word that you might find in every dictionary, however not all those who write it know what it means, therefore i might care to tell you a little about it.
Balance is the sole thing that keeps you standing. I don't mean literally i mean between your senses, your heart, your feet, your organs, your relation, and many things that can spread over and over to the infinite.
One thing to remember regards the importance of the majority of people can really talk about it without feeling the temptation to talk about the trivial and the common sense, not making the necessary introspection that might take them to balance itself. This is a very problematic issue, since without it you have really nothing. Do you believe me?
So what's balance after all? Why is it so damn important?
Simple if you think properly about it... Balance is the absence of the binding life that keep you wrapped in the same routine. Without realizing you need it for almost anything you can point as significant, and most people can't even reach it. Maybe neither can i, at least the perfect one, cause just like you i am tainted by many sins and impurities that keep me from being totally balanced.
Balance will tell you what it is when you find it, it will show you a blinding light until you can learn how to look to it respectfully, it's demanding, it's picky, it's arrogant and cunning to the very last breath you take.
When you love someone you feel your feet floating from the ground and from reality itself, and why is that? Cause you leave the balanced that you previously conceived as being the truthful one, and emerge victorious to a whole new balance that makes you forget the previous as a vicious and deceiving one...
The Equilibrium (Balance) might even tempt you to try and live your life in the balanced way you see more fit, but there will be many moments when you think you've got it all and you realize you don't really know yourself, you get plenty of material things, but they are never enough. You cherish the moments as much as you can, cause in fact you are afraid you haven't lived to the fullest of their potentials, and then you know it will all be gone, cause the false sense of balanced was never yours to have, you didn't work hard enough... and i don't mean neither in school or in your job, not as being an obedient child or an abiding law citizen, that's the "balance" society sells you.
Can't you really find any other balance? Are people that empty?
You can. Yes they are, sorry to tell you this way.
But there is a solution, you can be balanced if you look into yourself and get away from the addictions of life of the XXI century. You travel inside your mind and go to places you never been, you meet the right people that make you find balance within, the truthful one, you give without taking back, you smile without wanting a smile back, you give your hand without the fear they will bite it back, cause on your heart, lungs, bladder and liver everything makes sense, they smile and have no hesitations or obstacles. They fear not looking at the blinding light as before, they know how to look, they found the right way to be with yourself that might transport you to a whole new reality that you didn't know possible to exist. Can you even imagine the greatness of all this? Yes it's really big and immense and it's all yours for the taking. Now you can be sure of yourself and make your way with the balanced you searches all your life.
You have the so called Enlightment that is capable to show you things that you never stop to think about, you will know your true self, you will be much more happier and be certain of what you want. It's great to obtain it.
At some point some of what i said will sound familiar...
I saw a light as well, that i feared at the start, that was much more that i can understand, that made me raise walls and obstacles to try to make me safe to the image of the old patters of society, and i wouldn't even be able to write such a thing if i didn't felt it just like i'm writting.
I left my old balance a while ago, a couple of years passed with a completely new me... i feared it, and i was trying to resist the pain from the past from happening again, cause the old balance told me that things happen like this and it doesn't need always a pretty and good explanation... some might say "shit happens". The old me would have bowed his head and get used to it as better as i could, but the new me knows better.
I have no longer the need to bow my head, and my fear is nothing like the old one, it has a new meaning, reaching the truthful balance that i see this clearly made me very happy and with a constant smile on my face, i smile for you every day, i make you laugh every day cause balance works this way when you have it.
Fear was left behind in the old life.
The new life brings me the desire never to lose you and to keep my balance and our balance with the magic touch only you have, to the hell and heaven together, from here to the moon and back, do you understand?
Thank you for the balance you taught me, i'm grateful for the rest of my life to you.
quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010
Dois Séculos e Uma Década!
Estou a dizer que é algo inacreditável magnífico e lindo!
Os discursos guardo-os para as alturas devidas e não é possível colocar em palavras algo que apenas tu estando ao meu lado pode ver.
Os meus olhos te dirão o que a boca não consegue.
A pele arrepiada te dirá o que as palavras não atingem o seu objectivo.
(...) and so on, i do not wish to enter too many details as you above all know where i'm getting at.
Por tudo até hoje e pelo futuro que nos espera...
Amo-te Pintainha!!!! *@
sábado, 9 de outubro de 2010
A dream come true
quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010
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